Weaving God's Word Into Your Life
There is one topical series ready to go! It's called Covenant and Kingdom and is based on a book of the same name by Mike Breen. It helps to bring works and faith, responsibility and relationship, serving and loving, all into balance in order to build God's Kingdom.
I have seven years of verse-by-verse Bible teaching and topical studies that just need to be listed and linked here. The Rhythm Journal is also ready to sell, I just need to build the store and make the "get the most out of it" course.
I'm very excited to be working on some online courses to equip individuals and groups to learn God's word and live it out. Bible overview, how to study the Bible in-depth, how to study the Bible devotionally, and more on the drawing board.
Voiceover, podcast, and technical services.
Sermons and satire about my Anglican journey.
Brand new. T-shirts for introverts.